



SPA 采耳 长治 享受 躺着 2024-03-26 110
长治耳域躺式采耳SPA,让你躺着享受采耳的愉悦,你敢挑战吗?我先承认,当闺蜜提出带我去采耳的时候,我是抗拒的。我一直都很不喜欢别人给我清理耳朵,但她一直在我耳边唠叨着,最后我实在是受不了了,就跟着她去了。到了店里,我才明白原来川渝人是喜欢采耳的感觉的。采耳工具都是专业的,并且做好了消毒,我这种油耳还比较容易清理,我喜欢那种音锤的声音,还有微微的震动感,以及羽毛拂过脸庞的感觉,非常舒服。我也意识到,作为耳道朋友,定期去专业的地方清理耳朵是非常有必要的,否则可能会影响听力。现在我也不再那么烦恼油耳的问题了,还省了不少钱。店内环境也挺雅致的,而且还有头疗和SPA服务,房间里的装饰也很有意境。真的要感谢宣萱技师给我带来的愉快体验。 Longzhi Ear Domain Lying Ear-picking SPA, lying down to enjoy ear-picking, dare you try it? I'll be honest, when my best friend suggested taking me to get my ears cleaned, I was resistant. I really don't like others cleaning my ears, but she kept pestering me, and eventually, I gave in and went with her. It was only at the shop that I realized the people from Sichuan and Chongqing enjoy the feeling of ear-picking. The tools are professional and properly disinfected. My ears, being on the oilier side, were relatively easy to clean. I liked the sound of the ear-picking tools, the slight vibrations, and the feeling of feathers brushing my face - it was quite comforting. I also realized that as someone with oily ears, it's essential to regularly visit professionals to clean the ears, as neglecting this could affect my hearing. Now, I don't fuss over my oily ears as much, and I've also saved quite a bit of money. The shop's ambiance is elegant, and they also offer head treatments and SPA services. The decor in the rooms is quite artistic. I really want to thank technician Xuanxuan for the delightful experience.长治耳域躺式采耳SPA,躺着享受采耳,你敢试一试吗?


